
Should You Convert Your Mill / Lathe Using CNC Conversion Kit or Buy a New CNC Machine?

To convert your mills or lathes into CNC using a CNC conversion kit or to buy a new CNC machine is a question that bothers both hobbyists and full-fledged machinists. 


On the one hand, converting your old mills and lathes is an affordable way to upscale your production. On the other hand, buying a new CNC machine is a profitable and productive option for the long run. 


In this article, we will take an in-depth look into CNC machines and CNC conversion kits, identify their pros and cons, and provide you with a clear idea of which one you should opt for.


But before you get into that, let’s first understand CNC machines and CNC conversion.


CNC Machines


CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. CNC machines are computer-operated machines that use pre-programmed computer software to do the machining. 


Specialized software is used to program CNC machines. The software comes with a customized G Code, the language that allows the operator to control coordination, feed rate, location, speed, and other factors. 


For instance, a CNC lathe can be programmed to shape the materials into certain shapes using the software. 


This allows operators to save time and effort in manually shaping the material and still get accurate results. 


Since CNC machines are computer-operated, they tend to give more accurate and precise results than what a machinist could achieve with his bare hands. 


CNC machines are used by large-scale industries and manufacturers to increase production and ROI. 


CNC Conversion with CNC Conversion Kit


CNC Conversion is the process of transforming manual machines such as lathes and mills into CNC. 


CNC Conversion kits are used to transform the old machines into CNC.


A CNC conversion kit typically comes with new hardware components, motors, control units, and software to allow you to automate and set the movements of the X, Y, and Z-axis.


Since manual mills, lathes, and machining tools don’t have a limiter, a CNC conversion kit integrates one into them to restrict the travel range of the three axes.


 It also comes with a motor control unit that allows the operator to set the speed, accuracy, and velocity of the movement.


All in all, a CNC conversion kit allows you to turn your old machines into CNC without burning a hole in your pocket. 


CNC conversion kits are often used by small-scale machinists and hobbyists as they give practically all the advantages of a new CNC machine at an affordable price.


CNC Conversion Kits vs. New CNC Machine


Now that we have figured out the basic differences between CNC conversion and CNC machines, we will better understand which option could be more suitable for us. 


So far, it is clear that new CNC machines are for high-scale production. Industrialists use CNC machines to improve the accuracy and turnaround of their production, which in turn helps them improve their ROI. 


CNC conversion kits are a budget-friendly option for getting almost the same quality machining work without having to invest in an expensive CNC machine. 


Why choose a CNC Machine? 


CNC machines are the best alternative if you have major production requirements. A new CNC machine is efficient and precise in its action. 


Moreover, CNC machines don’t require external components or hardware to run and can be operated by a single machinist. CNC machines come ready to use. 


All you need to do is plug it in, set the parameters, and get it working. 


Once you have put in the design parameters and specifications, CNC machines can churn out a huge quantity of products, allowing you to scale the operation as per your requirements.


Not to mention, the products made by CNC machines are much better in quality and execution compared to anything done on conventional machines, even if it is by the most talented engineer.


Why Choose to Convert your mills/lathes to CNC?


Converting your old machines to CNC using a CNC conversion kit gives you all the same advantages as a new CNC machine but at a more affordable cost.


You can use a CNC conversion kit to transform your old machines into computer-operated machines that can carry out days of work in a matter of hours.


CNC conversion kits come with several external components and require expertise on your part to do the conversion. Nevertheless, if you are wary of something going wrong, you can always hire an expert to convert your machines for you.


CNC conversion kits are the best bet for machining enthusiasts and small-scale operators as they allow for efficient and quality machining at a reasonable price. 




At the end of the day, your preference for a new CNC machine or converting your old machine to CNC lies in your requirements. If you have large-scale production requirements and can afford a new CNC machine, then, by all means, buy one.


But, if you are a small-scale machinist or a hobbyist looking to enhance your skill and production quality, converting your machine to CNC with a CNC conversion kit is your best bet.




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What is a CNC Conversion Kit, and How Does it Work?

Machines, as we know them, have gone through a lot of changes since the industrial revolution. Over the years, machines have evolved to be more intelligent, compact, and more efficient.


Earlier forms of lathes and mills used to be huge and challenging to operate. But over time, we have finessed them into intelligible gadgets that can accurately conduct a wide variety of shaping, grinding, crushing, and cutting tasks.


But that’s not it. The unprecedented development in technology has made it possible to make further improvements in lathes, mills, and other manually operated machines.


Now, you can buy completely computer-operated machines to automate your tasks and focus on other essential aspects of your business.


But, a CNC mill or lathe is not something a hobbyist or a small-scale machinist can afford. They are expensive and require an expert to set them up and get them working.


Fortunately, there is a more affordable and equally capable alternative available.


What is this alternative?


A CNC conversion kit.


What is a CNC Conversion Kit?


Before we get into what a CNC conversion kit is, let’s first understand what CNC stands for.


CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control.


As the name suggests, it allows automated control of machining tools with the help of a computer.


Simply put, a CNC machine is a computer-operated machine that you can automate to carry out various machining tasks.


A CNC conversion kit allows you to automate your manually operated mills and lathes without burning a hole in your pocket.


A typical CNC conversion kit comes with new hardware components and motors to automate the movement of the mill or lathe along the X, Y, and Z-axis.


It also comes with a new control unit and software to help you set parameters on which you want the machine to work.


A CNC conversion kit also includes home and limit switches that restrict the limit of travel on the three-axis and a motor control unit to set the motion of the machine.


However, not all CNC conversion kits are the same. Some are designed to work with older machines, while others are designed for machines by specific manufacturers.


Some conversion kits are extensive and come with complete electronic packages along with a control unit and programming software. Others are simpler and come with only the motor and hardware components needed to make the machine CNC-capable.


The kind of CNC conversion you need depends on your requirements and the type of mill or lathe you want to convert.


You can also choose to use the CNC conversion kit to convert your mills or lathes yourself or have an expert convert your machines for you.


DIY conversion might sound intimidating but is very doable. The hardest and the only tricky part of the conversion will be dealing with the machine’s weight.


Nevertheless, if you are unsure, you can always have an expert machinist have your mill or lathe converted for you using a CNC conversion kit.


You could also ask such experts to take you through the process and specify all the essential tools so you can practice converting machines to CNC yourself.


How Do CNC Conversion Kits Work?


Before you get into converting your manual machines into CNC, you need to understand how a CNC conversion kit works.


Conversion kits act as supplementary components for automating machines. Typically, a CNC conversion kit doesn’t add new axes or movement to the machine. It computerizes the existing ones.


CNC lathe conversion kits and CNC mill conversion kits make use of the machine’s current layout to automate it.


When you buy a CNC conversion kit, you will get several hardware components along with a control unit and software. Most conversion kits come with detailed instruction manuals that can come in handy while converting the machine to CNC.


Before using a CNC conversion kit to make a machine CNC ready, you need to remove certain components from your machine. DIY conversion kits come with simple instruction manuals, allowing hobbyists and small-scale shop owners to convert the machines themselves.


If you are looking forward to converting your mill or lathe yourself, make sure to order a DIY CNC lathe conversion kit or CNC mill conversion kit as it will be available with easy-to-understand and follow instructions.


Having said that, there are a lot of factors that could go wrong while using a CNC conversion kit to convert machines into CNC. If you are not careful, you could end up ruining your current machine and wasting the conversion kit.


The process for Lathe CNC conversion and mill CNC conversion differ because of the different structures of the machines. Nevertheless, the process usually remains the same.


Similarly, harbor freight mini mill conversion might also require different hardware components but almost the same process.


Make sure to check out the backlash and the general serviceability of the machine before using the CNC conversion kit so when you finally make the conversion, it runs smoothly and efficiently.


A typical CNC system contains the following components:

  • Machine
  • Motor
  • Drive
  • Parallel Port
  • Computer
  • GCode Interpreter



The machine is the most basic part of the CNC. A machine can be anything that you use to carry out tasks. It could be a lathe, mill, gear cutter, injection mold machine, or anything with moving parts that you want to automate.



Motors help the machine automate. A CNC machine uses motors to automate manual tasks. Just as a human would use their hands to turn the wheels, a CNC machine uses motors.



A drive is a component that allows the computer to control the motor through an interface. The type of drive you should use in your CNC depends on the type of motor you have.


Parallel Port

Parallel ports are 25 pin connectors usually found at the back of a computer. It helps connect the drives to your computer so you can put in the specifications at which you want the machine to operate.



Computers are where you can access, edit, and modify the information and parameters you want the machine to operate at. You can simply feed in the data in your computer, and your CNC machine will do the rest.


G-code Interpreter

A G-code interpreter is responsible for sending signals out to drive your motors and, eventually, your machine. Notably, a G-code interpreter only involves motion and not the shape.



CAD/CAM is software that one can use to map their idea and realize it in a physical form by generating its G-code.



The question of buying a new CNC machine or converting your old ones using CNC conversion kits depends on your requirements. If you run an extensive machining business or work for a major production company, opting for a new CNC machine will be more suitable.


Nevertheless, if you are a hobbyist or new to machining, CNC conversion kits are a more practical and cost-effective alternative. Converting your old machines into CNC allows you to improve your machining capability while maintaining the serviceability of your old machine.

precision matthews pm-25 mill CNC conversion kit

why do you need a cnc conversion kit for your milling machine?

We’ve come a long way from room-sized machines, and today even the most complex machines are made in the most minimalistic and sleek ways. These machines have both gotten smaller and improved over the years. Lathes and mills have also changed, from giant and bulky to small and compact. You can still find room-sized machines in high-end production houses or large factories.
But even with the latest advancements in technology, most small mills and lathes are not CNC equipped. For most people, this isn’t a problem, but you should know that there are some things a small lathe simply isn’t capable of doing.
If you are thinking, “why not buy a CNC mill?” well, most machines are too large or too expensive. But, not all hope is lost as there is a convenient workaround available for machine enthusiasts and small shops who like to play around with machines – CNC milling machine conversion kit.
If you are still not sure about these kits and how do they work, then continue reading and find out yourself.

What is a CNC Conversion Kit?

A CNC conversion kit for an older mill includes a huge range of new components along with detailed instructions for installation. There will be shiny new hardware, including motors, to give the mill automated movement along the X, Y, and Z-axes. And that’s not all; you will also find a new control unit and software.

Important Parts of a CNC Conversion Kit

  • Limit switches

This prevents the machine from damaging itself by moving to the very extreme ends of any particular axes.

  • Motor control unit

Every conversion kit will be different from one another as most are designed to work with certain older machines and, in rare cases, with specific families of machines by a particular manufacturer.

Some conversion kits will be quite simple; all they will have will be the motors and other hardware required to make the machine CNC capable, while other conversion kits will be quite extensive. These will include packages with control units and specific programming software.

What to look for when shopping for a CNC Conversion kit?

You need to understand that the “one size fits all” approach doesn’t work when you are shopping, or a CNC conversion kit as every kit will be entirely different. Therefore it is essential that you pick the right machine for yourself and your needs.

How do Conversion kits work?

The design is simple yet effective, and that is what makes it unique. The conversion kits take advantage of the original mill’s existing layout, which means that they don’t add new axes of movements. The conversion kit will motorize the existing movements and allow pre-programmed movement. This will allow you to make the least changes to the machine, making most conversion a matter of mere hours not, days or weeks.

When you get your hands on the conversion kit, you’ll receive fresh hardware along with thorough instructions. Installing the conversion kit may require removing some of the components from your machine before installing the new ones. Most of the conversion kits that are sold are marketed as hobbyists or DIY-ers. Therefore, the instructions tend to be understandable and easy to follow.

Advantages of a CNC Conversion Milling Machine

Here are some advantages of buying a CNC Mill Conversion Kit.

Affordable upgrades

The single best advantage of a CNC conversion kit is that it offers a cost-effective means of upgrading old machinery. Conversion kits might differ in price, but they are usually less than half the price of a new CNC machine.

High-quality customization

Usually, an enthusiast will use a conversion kit along with his/her own tweaks. This can be a custom control module that is modified from an old computer, and there are still more upgrades to the machine itself apart from the ones that the conversion kit will do.

Enhanced production abilities

A CNC conversion kit will give you all the capabilities of a high-end functioning CNC machine. Automated production, custom part runs, along a high degree of precision are all possible with a CNC conversion kit.

If you are looking for a harbor freight mini mill CNC conversion kit, then you’ve come to the right place. CNC conversion Plus has the best conversion kits at the best price.